May 12 marks the two-year anniversary of the detention of Kurdish photo-journalist Nedim Türfent.  Nedim was covering news stories near Diyarbakır in 2016 after the Turkish-Kurdish peace process had broken down and the Turkish army was waging an offensive in the cities of Sur, Cizre and Diyarbakır.  His article for shuttered DİCLE news agency entiteld: “Now you will see the power of the Turk” and associated images are believed to be the reason for his eight year jail sentence.

Read IPI’s article on Nedim Türfent:  “

Nedim, like so many others, is a journalist who was just doing his job and he does not belong behind bars. He was convicted in December 2017 on terrorism-related charges for reporting on the activities of Turkish special forces in the country’s southeast. The court sentenced Türfent to nearly nine years in prison despite egregious violations of Türfent’s right to a fair trial. Most notably, 19 of 20 witnesses called by the prosecution testified that they had been tortured into giving evidence against Türfent as part of the initial investigation.

Read Nedim’s respose to a letter from IPI and other freedom of expression organisations:

Nedim wrote:  “Today we are experiencing a process whereby journalism is being defended as a whole. This is why this campaign has been one that has destroyed iron bars and removed the walls around me. In short, I send my sincerest love and greetings to all the organizations and individuals who are organizing a campaign for me and who are continuing their efforts. As long as you show this valuable solidarity, hope will always continue to remain in my heart.”

Help us to raise the profile of his case by writing either to Nedim himself or to your MP, MEP or the Foreign Ministry of your country.  Nedim is also a translator and reads and writes English, Kurmanji Kurdish and Turkish.

Address your letter or postcard to:

Nedim Türfent

Van Yüksek Güvenlikli

Kapalı Ceza İnfaz Kurumu

Koğuş A53

