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IPI General Assembly Resolution: States must act to protect environmental and climate journalism

The members of the International Press Institute (IPI), meeting at their 73nd annual General Assembly during the IPI World Congress on May 23, 2024 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina adopted by unanimous vote a resolution calling on states to ensure robust, independent news reporting and access to information on the environment and the climate crisis […]

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Turkey: International Media Freedom and Human Rights Organisations Condemn Alarming Surge in Arrests of Kurdish Journalists

The International Press Institute (IPI), Media and Law Studies Association (MLSA) and 26 press freedom, freedom of expression and human rights organizations vehemently condemn the arrest of three Kurdish journalists last week. We call upon the authorities of Turkey to uphold their commitment to press freedom and release the detained journalists immediately. Turkey must abide […]

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Turkey Online Master Class: Movies without Pictures – Storytelling for Podcast Series (April 29, 2024)

How to craft a podcast series that captivates audiences as they are watching a movie full of twists and turns? George Lavender, the Head of Creative Production, Limited Series at Wondery, will share his experience in tailoring narrative for creative audio formats. Join us for “Movies without Pictures,” to hear from the Emmy award-winning journalist […]

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Turkey: Journalists faced obstruction and violence following local elections

The International Press Institute (IPI), the global network of editors, journalists, and media executives for press freedom, condemns a series of attacks on the press in Turkey around the country’s March 31 municipal elections. Authorities in Turkey must protect and defend the right of journalists to freely cover elections and their outcomes. Journalists play a […]

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