On the eve of a new disinformation bill to be introduced in Turkish Parliament, International Press Institute (IPI) Turkey National Committee, in partnership with the  Columbia Global Centers | Istanbul (CGC), will organize an online panel to shed light on fake news, digital echo chambers, and the impact of disinformation laws on fundamental rights and freedoms. Our distinguished panelists will share their expertise on these issues and draw comparisons between how disinformation laws are used under democratic and authoritarian regimes around the world.


Todd Gitlin, Prof. of Journalism and Sociology at Columbia University
Tirşe Erbaysal Filibeli, Assoc. Prof., Department of New Media at Bahçesehir University
Emre Kızılkaya (M), Vice-Chair, International Press Institute (IPI) National Committee

Register here

Todd Gitlin is a professor of journalism and sociology, and chair of the Ph. D. program in communications, at Columbia University, and the author of 18 books, encompassing media analysis (Media Unlimited), political and cultural history (The Sixties: Years of Hope, Days of Rage), and four novels, of which the next to appear will be The Opposition, forthcoming from Guernica Editions this coming spring. For more information, click here.

Tirşe Erbaysal Filibeli is an associate professor at the Department of New Media at Bahçesehir University. She received her M.A. degree and Ph.D. from Galatasaray University. In 2018 she co-edited “Journalism a Peacekeeping Agent at the Time of Conflict” and in 2020 she edited “Information Nightmare: Fake News, Manipulation and Post-truth Politics in the Digital Age”. Since 2016 she is working as a researcher in the country team of Turkey for Media Pluralism Monitor Project of Centre for Media Pluralism and Freedom (CMPF). Her recent research interests focus on algorithmic manipulation and computational propaganda, big data and data privacy, information disorder and fact-checking, disinformation/misinformation about minorities and othering in the post-truth era, populism, and peace studies.

Emre Kizilkaya is the vice president of the national committee for the Vienna-based International Press Institute (IPI), and the project editor of Journo, a non-profit news platform supported by Turkey’s Journalists’ Union (TGS) and the EU. He worked for the daily Hurriyet from 2003 to 2019 in various roles, including the head of digital content. He was selected by Harvard University for Knight Visiting Nieman Fellowship in 2019. In his career, Kizilkaya received multiple awards from professional organizations, including the Turkish Journalists’ Association (TGC) and the International News Media Association (INMA). He is pursuing a Ph.D. study at Galatasaray University.

Please note that there will be simultaneous translation into Turkish and English during the event.
