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Activists in Vienna gather to support Turkey’s journalists

Activists in Vienna joined colleagues around the world marking World Press Freedom Day 2017 today by gathering near Turkey’s embassy to Austria to call on the Turkish government to free journalists imprisoned for their work. The activists had hoped to deliver a petition signed by more than 10,000 people calling on Turkey’s government to free […]

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IPI: Journalists held in Turkey ‘not alone, not forgotten’

Lesen Sie diesen Artikel auf Deutsch To mark World Press Freedom Day, IPI sent the following open letter of support for journalists imprisoned in Turkey for their work to daily Cumhuriyet for publication so that those in prisons who are prevented from sending or receiving correspondence might be able to read it. The letter, as […]

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Turkey prosecutors seek prison for Cumhuriyet staff

Turkish prosecutors today demanded lengthy prison terms for journalists and executives of independent newspaper Cumhuriyet in long-delayed indictment that the International Press Institute (IPI) rejected as “nonsense”. The indictment, which focuses on former Cumhuriyet Editor-in-Chief Can Dündar, reportedly accuses the journalists and executives of “membership of an armed terrorist organisation” and “helping an armed terrorist organisation […]

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Declaration of March 2017 joint mission to Turkey

Bu yazıyı Türkçe okumak için burayı tıklayınız DECLARATION OF JOINT INTERNATIONAL EMERGENCY PRESS FREEDOM MISSION Following an international press freedom mission to Turkey on 27 February to 2 March 2017, the undersigned participants, representing six international free expression watchdog organisations, express severe concern about media freedom and respect for human rights and warn that the […]

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