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IPI condemns mob attack on Turkish daily, criminal charges

The International Press Institute (IPI) and the South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO) today called on members of Turkey’s Justice and Development Party (AKP) to condemn yesterday night’s destructive attack on the headquarters of daily newspaper Hürriyet by a crowd of stone-throwing AKP supporters angered by its reporting on a comment by the president. The […]

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Turkey VICE News case sends chilling signal on encryption

Turkey’s recent detention of two British VICE News journalists and their fixer on terrorism accusations was troubling, but perhaps the most disquieting development was prosecutors’ assertion that the use of an encryption system provided proof that the three were “engaging in terrorist activity” and “aiding a terrorist organisation”. In a recent article, Al Jazeera quoted […]

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Turkey finance authorities raid broadcasting houses’ owner

Reports that authorities in Turkey this morning raided offices of the corporate owner of two opposition broadcasters, and that a magistrate has approved a similar raid on the broadcasters themselves, are ‘extremely troubling’, the International Press Institute (IPI) said today. Turkish media reported that agents from Turkey’s Financial Crime Investigation Board (MASAK) raided the Ankara […]

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IPI slams prosecution of Turkish papers over coverage of hostage drama

A criminal case claiming that journalists’ coverage of a deadly March 31 hostage drama in an Istanbul courthouse amounted to spreading propaganda for a terrorist organisation should be dropped immediately, the International Press Institute (IPI) said today. Turkish media reported last week that prosecutors had prepared an indictment seeking prison terms of up to 7.5 […]

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