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Dutch journalist faces prison in Turkey over online comments

The International Press Institute (IPI) today expressed concern over reports that Dutch journalist Fréderike Geerdink could face up to five years in prison in Turkey on accusations that she spread terrorist propaganda on social media. The case reportedly stems from comments the Turkey-based freelance journalist posted on social media and on a blog promoting the […]

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Turkish printing press raided over Mohammed cartoon fears

The International Press Institute (IPI) today condemned a raid by Turkish police on the printing press of daily Cumhuriyet to prevent the newspaper from distributing an issue that authorities feared might contain images of Mohammed. Hurriyet Daily News reported that the raid came as Cumhuriyet was preparing to distribute an issue with a four-page supplement containing […]

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IPI blasts new wave of raids on Turkey media outlets

The International Press Institute (IPI) and its Turkish National Committee today condemned Turkish authorities’ raids on media outlets with links to a former ally-turned-critic of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and called for the release of journalists detained in the operation. Police targeted the Zaman newspaper and the Samanyolu Media Group, both of which are tied […]

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Turkish court bans coverage of Parliament corruption inquiry

The International Press Institute (IPI) today condemned an unprecedented court order banning Turkish media from reporting on a parliamentary inquiry into corruption accusations against four former cabinet ministers. Hurriyet Daily News reported that the ban, which is set to last until Dec. 27, was announced yesterday, days before two former ministers were set to present […]

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