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Turkey Free Expression Trial Monitoring Report September – 2019

The International Press Institute (IPI) in collaboration with the Media and Law Studies Association (MLSA), today published the third trial monitoring report on freedom of expression cases in Turkey. This report is part of a programme of monitoring that started in June 2018 and confirms findings of the two earlier reports, published in July and […]

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Press freedom in Turkey remains in crisis, mission finds

International press freedom groups reported today that press freedom and the rule of law in Turkey remain in crisis despite grounds for very cautious optimism, such as yesterday’s ruling releasing several former Cumhuriyet journalists. Over three days this week, the international press freedom delegation held meetings with journalists, civil society, the judiciary and the authorities […]

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IPI welcomes Turkish court ruling freeing Cumhuriyet journalists

The International Press Institute (IPI), a global network of editors, media executives and leading journalists for press freedom, welcomes the decision of Turkey’s Supreme Court of Cassation to toss out a lower court ruling and free five former journalists of the newspaper Cumhuriyet who were imprisoned on terrorism-related charges. The ruling also vacated the conviction of […]

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IPI calls for immediate release of journalists detained in Turkey

The International Press Institute (IPI), a global network of editors, media executives and journalists for press freedom, today called on the government of Turkey to immediately release nine journalists who were arrested in a country-wide crackdown this week. On Tuesday, August 20, police arrested six journalists who were covering protests against the dismissal of municipal […]

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